KIM-HS was added to swimming pool foundation and walls.
KIM-HS was added to watertanks foundation and walls.
KIM-HS admixture reduces water permability and increases the durability of structure.
KIM-HS was added to 2000 m3 of foundation concrete.& watetanks concrete.
KIM-HS admixture reduces water permability and increases the durability of structure.
KIM-HS was added to swimming pool foundation and walls.
KIM-HS admixture reduces water permability and increases the durability of structure.
KIM-HS was added to swimming pool foundation and walls.
KIM-HS admixture reduces water permability and increases the durability of structure.
KIM-HS was added to the slab on grades concrete at Arab Potash Plant.
KIM-HS reduces water permeability & minimizes the speed of steel corrosion.